Saturday, May 31, 2008

What is love?

Love is the tyrant of the emotions, the eater of the mind, and the destroyer of worlds.

More lives have been destroyed, devastated, and defiled by love, than have of any other cause. The Love of God, the Love of Country, and the Love of Power.

Surely as love can bring people together, it can rip them asunder. It can crush nations, it can bring men to their knees, and it can make me write cliches.

Love is a lie.

Love will show you want you want, tell you you need it, and once you have it, tell you that you love it. But sometimes, most of the time, all of the time, you find that it's not quite what you asked for. That the thing you wanted, "needed," and now have, is neither, nor, and not.

Love is neutral.

We are raised to believe that love is a good thing, an emotion that should be cherished and shared with few. But as we grow we learn that love is the most treacherous of emotions. It hurts to want it, it hurts to lose it, and only in having it, is it any good.

Love conquers all things, even itself.

Love is sacrifice.

Whether you sacrifice time, money, or your body, is up to you. But it is unquestionably the emotion of sacrifice. John 3:16, is the Christian version of love, if you have any doubt whatsoever.

To sacrifice ones own love so that another may be free to love another.

To sacrifice your love for one person for the love of another.

To sacrifice one kind of love for another, romantic for platonic and vice versa.

Those are the greatest forms of love, and sacrifice.

What are you willing to sacrifice for love? Do not mistake that question for this one: What would you sacrifice to have love? Everyone wants love, many people would give an arm and a leg to be loved. That is not the question.

What would you sacrifice for someone or something else that you love? Would you take a bullet for your fellow man? Would you die for your country? Would you let your love fade away so that the other person could be happy?

What is love?

Love is sacrifice.

1 comment:

Adams said...

I would say all of this to you on aim or msn, but you're not online... and I'm gonna be too tired to stay up late tonight (plus, I don't have wifi in my room -- I forgot my ethernet cable). So here's my comment:

Love is giving. Love is caring.

I don't like to think of love as sacrifice. It reminds me too much of what I told you before about how a friend basically got mad at me because she and her friends went out of her way to be nice to me. She's sacrificing something then, isn't it? But it wasn't nice, and it certainly didn't show me that she was trying to show me love. To me, if she was trying to show me love, being nice to me shouldn't be something to be done out of her way... it shouldn't have been viewed as a sacrifice.

I love, I give. And I give without thinking of it as a sacrifice... as something I'm giving up. Because I'm not giving it up. I'm giving it away to someone I love.