Friday, July 17, 2009


I had a dream that Crystal had sent me a letter. I opened this letter and inside was a drawing, a comic of sorts. In the first panel our Sheep (if you knew us, we had this little plush sheep we used to carry around and pretend was our child) was holding a scroll and the dialogue was "This scroll shows just how dispirate [sic] the ninja clan is." He was speaking to a rat (one of his plush companions). Now upon the next panel, using dream logic, I was now holding the scroll. The scroll had a poem that was difficult to understand and read, as per dream rules. The scroll crumbled as I read it, I know this because at the bottom was her signature with a heart and by the end her signature and the heart were gone.

I don't recall much of the poem but I do remember the second half of the last line:

"know when the home you go to isn't home anymore"

Now obviously the subject of the line is missing and makes a great deal of difference but a the time I came to interpret it as a sort of goodbye. That the home she and I used to call home wasn't home anymore for her. For this I wept.

In her removal of me from her life, I never really got a clean ending. Even if it wasn't really from here, even if it was from my own subconcious, I finally got a goodbye.

I know you'll never read this, Crystal, but I love you and wish you the best.


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